- Click on a green box for the time and space you would like to reserve.
- To reserve more than 30 minutes, click on the first hour and then scroll to the bottom of the screen. Use the down arrow in the grey box to select your ending time.
- To find your group, click on "View Confirmed Bookings" at top right.
Room Reservation Policy
- Reservations can be made by CSU students, staff, or faculty using their eID and password.
- Reservations can be made for a maximum of 3 hours per day, up to 7 days in advance.
- Users are allowed to reserve a maximum of two separate times per day.
- The entire room reservation is forfeited if users are 15 minutes late.
- Rooms are not intended for classroom instruction, student association meetings, or thesis/dissertation defense.
- Study room windows must remain unobstructed.
- Each room seats 6-8 people.
- Most rooms include a large display monitor, which can use screen casting to display video from laptops and phones, and audio jacks. See AirServer instructions when you enter the room.
- Each room has a whiteboard. Dry-erase markers are available at the Loan & Reserve Desk.
- Room 301E does not have a display monitor at this time. Please check out a projector at the Library Services Desk if you need to display.
Your Reservation