- Click on a green box for the time and space you would like to reserve.
- To reserve more than 30 minutes, click on additional boxes OR use the down arrow on the first reservation in the grey box below the calendar.
- To find your group, click on "View Confirmed Bookings" at top right.
Room Reservation Policy
- Reservations can be made by CSU students, staff, or faculty using their eID and password.
- Reservations can be made for a maximum of 3 hours per day, up to 7 days in advance.
- The entire room reservation is forfeited if users are 15 minutes late.
- Rooms are not intended for classroom instruction, student association meetings, or thesis/dissertation defense.
- Each room seats 6-8 people.
- Most rooms include a large display HDTV and personal laptop access to video and audio jacks.
- Each room has a whiteboard. Dry-erase markers are available at the Loan & Reserve Desk.
Your Reservation